Friday, June 20, 2008

Axis2 and Rampart troubles

Trying to deploy the rampart-1.4.mar module within Axis2? You created
the axis2.war file using by changing to the webapps directory and
using the create.war ant task. It would seem that the Rampart people
didn't communicate with the Axis people the dependency on
'axis2-codegen-1.4.jar' for they explicitly exclude it in the
create.war ant task! Copy the previously mentioned jar file into the
WEB-INF\lib directory.

[ERROR] The rampart-1.4.mar module, which is not valid, caused
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

Someone apparently thinks its been fixed since the issue[1] has been
closed. One of us is doing something wrong I reckon.

[1] -

Friday, June 06, 2008

First update

So we left out around 7 this morning heading west on 50. So far the
weather has been decent but just as we stopped for lunch here in
Huntington, WV its started to really heat up. The Ohio River Byway was
nice in parts - wasn't all that I'd hoped for though. We doing good on
time and will probably make the side trip Jenny Wile Park. Current
plan has us camping tonight in Breaks Interstate Park.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Preparations for a foul economy

So the state of our economy is a common topic around our house.  Rebecca and I frequently talk about how bad it could get.  For more than 5 years we've been saying that the irrational rise in housing prices and fascination with personal debt can only lead to one huge mess.  We've been continually baffled that average people like us see this mess while economic experts are convinced it's somehow limited to the sub-prime market and worried about some artificial technical statistic that would indicate a recession.  

Anyway, I reckon an argument for how ugly this might get is a topic for another entry.  This entry was meant to let everyone know that we are prepared - well, John is prepared anyway.  Upon finding the right sized cavity, he enjoys attempting sleep.  
Seriously, we're hoping that it's more a boy's fascination with doing weird stuff than an appreciation for where poor economic conditions could lead.  In any case, Rebecca and I are boosting our savings so that we can afford larger, perhaps even wax-coated, boxes for everyone...